A special appeal for funds to help support 5 wildlife projects across Africa.

The target was to raise $2000 per project, with a total of $10,000. Thanks to our awesome and generous supporters, this drive met all targets in just over 2 months!
A massive shout out to our major sponsor on this appeal, Nova Wild; to the huge support from Hemker Park and Zoo, BrewDog Breweries, The Kuzo Group and Rae Safaris; to private donors Shirley and David Parish and Ann and Jo Ottobre and to everyone who attended our summer fund-raising events in the USA, and to all our supporters worldwide.
Keep checking in as we share the progress of all our Big 5 Drive projects, their stories and their photos.
And don't forget, 100%, yes 100% of your donations go to equipment for the field projects we support.
Here's a break-down of our Big 5 Drive projects.

Dehorning rhinos significantly deters poachers from their cruel slaughter. Dehorning and subsequent trimming of horn regrowth every 12-18 months in one large reserve in South Africa reduced rhino losses to poachers from 38 in 2021 to none in 2022 and 2023!
WWA supports this long-term programme by helping to cover the costs of the helicopter + pilot + veterinarian + medications + equipment.
Target: $2000. Met: October 2023

Elephants Alive has developed an identification database of over 2,000 elephants in the Kruger Park, South Africa, which is used to identify elephants causing problems to local communities in neighbouring Mozambique by tearing down fences and raiding their vegetable / fruit farms. Conflict-reducing projects include using bee farming to deter elephants. WWA is funding field identification and tracking equipment; accurate identification of problem elephants helps rangers to target management of specific individuals locally and remove the need for unauthorised and unnecessary broader scale responses against whole herds. Target: $2000. Met: October 2023

WWA supports two projects by supplying telemetry equipment and GPS/VHF data subscriptions, trail cameras, veterinary time, equipment and medications for the darting of cheetah being relocated from zones where they are in conflict with local farmers to suitable safe new areas. Radio collars enable researchers to monitor movements and behaviour as they are released, measuring their success at adapting. We also fund scientific equipment to assist in studies in Namibia into genetics of cheetah whose gene pool is small and shrinking, and where issues such as poor sperm viability are seriously impacting on the species’ prospects for survival. Target: $2000. Met: October 2023

Pangolins are sadly the world’s most illegally poached and trafficked mammal, and demand for their unique scales in the far east continues to rise despite a total lack of evidence of any treatment efficacy in medicine. WWA supports this vital study and conservation project through the purchase of VHF tracking transmitters and other telemetry equipment to help monitor wild pangolins in the field, gather data on their foraging ecology and better understand their impact and function in the Kalahari ecosystem. Target: $2000. Met: September 2023

WWA supports GERP (Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates) in their vital study and conservation programme for this most appealing yet much threatened group of primates in Mahadrodroka, Maromizaha and Manombo by helping to cover the costs of observation and surveying equipment. This includes binoculars, cameras and drones which are vital for monitoring and studying the movements and behaviour of many arboreal species of lemur that are often almost invisible from the ground. Target: $2000. Met: October 2023
Check out the promo video below for more info about the Big 5 Drive...
Once again, thank you to our supporters: Nova Wild, Hemker Park and Zoo, BrewDog Breweries, The Kuzo Group, Rae Safaris, Shirley and David Parish, Ann and Jo Ottobre, and everyone who supported our summer fundraising events.