$3000 for the hire of a helicopter and pilot for aerial darting, veterinary time and skills, drugs and equipment donated by WWA via our main sponsor Rae Safaris and their clients.

A group of Rae Safaris clients joined members of the wildlife foundation of a prominent park in northern South Africa along with a helicopter pilot and veterinary team to seek out the last white rhino bull in the local population still bearing a full horn.
This male rhino had been eluding the de-horning teams for a couple of years but he was finally located and successfully immobilised from the air, nicely close to a road. The group was able to perform a range of health checks while the veterinary and rhino conservation team set about trimming the horns and visibly identifying the rhino with a unique pattern of ear-notches.
It was wonderful to know that this last bull was now safe from poaching and all those who shared in this amazing practical experience were delighted to have contributed to WWA’s support of this vital project.
Click on the slideshow below to see the events of the day.
Watch the video ...
Below: And this is what it is all about! Conservation officer (left), veterinarian (right) - and a beautiful male rhino who will continue the species.

Interesting research: